Carter Connection March 2025

It takes a lot of sacrifice and work for the Gospel to be shared with those around the world. In this letter, I wanted to highlight those who are not often mentioned but play an essential role in making it possible for us to do so!

The Unrecognized Ones

There are many people who work together to hold the ropes to keep a missionary on the field. When you read this letter and pray for us, you are one of them. When you give to help us continue the work, you are one of them. And let me say, “Thank you!” Without you, we could not accomplish the mission of reaching people here with the Gospel! Along with you and your brothers and sisters in churches all across the States, there are also specific people who, although rarely recognized, help in ways that are absolutely essential in supporting us and caring for us.

For example, one of the assistant pastors in our home church in the States takes care of making sure your support gets to us safely and without issue each month. He also takes care of any administrative needs we have back in the States. Another one is our home church pastor. There have been more than a few times when I’ve come up against an overwhelming issue that I just don’t know how to deal with. Pastor is just a text or a phone call away, and his wisdom has helped me safely navigate through what could have been very tough issues for our church family here in Japan.

There is another group of people not often recognized for their role in helping missionaries stay on the field: family back in the States. They are ones on whom we rely in SO MANY ways. Over the last few months, Bethany and I have needed to rely on them with very heavy and hard things, and they have been amazing in caring for those needs. Recently, Bethany’s parents have been having some concerning health issues, both at the same time. Bethany is an only child, so we’ve needed to rely on her cousin to care for them in her absence. Last month, Bethany and Asher (our youngest) headed back to the States with the goal of loving and caring for her parents for a while, but during that time of preparing for Bethany to head back, her cousin was a huge help in making sure that her parents’ needs were met and cared for.

I have no doubt there are many people just like these who come alongside their missionaries in ways just like this. They help us reach those on the other side of this planet with the Gospel, and to help our brothers and sisters in Christ here to display God’s glory in their lives. For those of you who do this critical work, “THANK YOU!”

What to Pray For

Here are a few things we would love for you to pray for.

We’ve had several families who’ve had critical roles in our church who have had to leave due to moving for work, etc. They’ve left a big hole in our church. But we are thankful for those in our church family who are stepping up and taking on new roles in caring for the church. Please pray for them as they adjust to these new roles.

I will also be speaking at a nation-wide Baptist youth camp in a few weeks. Please pray that God will use me and the other speakers to encourage the young people of Japan to live for Christ.

Masaru, who was highlighted in our last letter, has been growing in his walk with Jesus in amazing ways! There are five others in our church family right now who are actively seeking to know more about Christ. Keep praying for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives!

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to pray for them. We sure do appreciate you all!

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