Carter Connection June 2024

            Japan has five seasons. The fifth season, rainy season usually kicks off sometime in June and lasts for about a month. While many people here dislike the rainy season because of the constant wet, we don’t mind it all. The nice cool showers are a nice respite from the coming intense summer heat. Speaking of showers…😁 God’s blessings have been continually “showering” down on us all throughout these last few months!

Cookout Relaunch

            In the end of April we relaunched our church cookout outreach for the first time since covid began in 2020. Our church family invited many of their family and friends, and we had an amazing turnout! Over eighty people came! Easily more than half of those who attended were guests. More importantly, they were guests who were already connected to people in our church family, which means they have consistent contact with believers in their lives. For some of them, this was their first interaction with other Christians besides the family or friend who invited them. All of them got to hear the Gospel preached simply and clearly to them. It was a big day for us, and we are thankful for how the Lord used us to share the good news of salvation with our friends and loved ones.  


Last Thursday, we went to the airport to pick up life-long family friends, Joe and Sierah Pliska and their two children. (Joe’s mom taught Bethany when she was in high school). The significance of this airport rendezvous is that the Pliska family have come to Japan as missionaries out of our home church in Louisville! In fact, they were actually in Japan just beginning their survey trip back when covid started! They were able to raise their support even in the middle of all the chaos of churches struggling to meet during the pandemic. It definitely hasn’t been easy for them, but God has been gracious, and they are now beginning the next step of sharing the good news of Jesus with the Japanese. Please pray for them as they get adjusted to life in Japan (which is NOT easy!), learning Japanese (also not easy!), and building relationships and sharing Jesus with those around them. Also pray for us as we do our best to help them and walk with them through this next stage of serving Jesus!

No Signs

     On a personal note, a few weeks ago, Bethany had her one-year cancer checkup. It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since we started on this journey. What a year! We’re thankful for God’s grace in walking us through it, and for giving us prayer partners like you who are willing to walk through it with us by faithfully helping to bear the load through prayer. The test results came back showing no signs of cancer. We thank God for his grace and healing! And we thank YOU for your faithfulness and care for us through each step of the way. (And thanks for continuing to pray for her!)

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Carter Connection March 2024

      Cherry blossom season is just a few weeks away here, and we’re enjoying the gradual change from the cold of winter to the warmth of spring. We’re preparing for several big outreach events over the next few months, and looking forward to seeing the blossoming of new life in Christ as the good news of His Gospel is sown around us!

A Wedding

      Motoharu brought Ami to church a little over two years ago. Motoharu was already a Christian, and Ami wanted to know more about Christianity. For about a year, the four of us, (Motoharu, Ami, Bethany and I) would share a meal together after church and talk about who Jesus was, and what it meant to put your trust in Him and follow Him. During time many questions were asked, and Ami’s understanding of Jesus grew and grew. Then, in May of last year, one Sunday while spending time talking with other believers after the service, she was ready to put her faith in Jesus! The following August, Ami was one of the ladies I got to baptize in the river near our church. Last month, I was blessed to have a part in Motoharu and Ami’s wedding! It’s so special to see the grace of God displayed through the lives of this young couple! Please pray for them as they begin their new journey as a husband and wife who love and follow Jesus! A family in which BOTH PARENTS love and follow Jesus is incredibly rare in Japan!

A Mortgage

     In our last letter I mentioned my parents coming to visit us for a few months. What a huge blessing it was to have them with us! Of course, just the joy of being able to spend time together was so wonderful! And as veteran missionaries themselves, they helped us in so many ways, seamlessly jumping in to provide help in different areas of the ministry. Along with that, we were able to finalize the main purpose of their time in Japan, to finish off the paperwork of the mortgage of our church, and to transfer over the ownership of the property. For our church family this was a huge milestone, because we were able to pay off the mortgage five years ahead of schedule! Our church is continuing to faithfully share God’s word, continuing to grow in following Jesus and loving those around them.

A Recovery

     Many of you have been praying for Bethany as she recovers from cancer. Her strength is continuing to recover and, although she personally would rather be up and running on all cylinders, her body is taking its time. Which is totally ok. Each day is forward progress. Our Father has been very gracious, and we’re VERY thankful for how far she has already come! We expect in a few months for her to be able to do backflips and frontflips effortlessly. Needless to say, we are so thankful for each of you who have prayed for her throughout this journey! You mean the world to us!

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Carter Connection January 2024

The last few months of 2023 were jam-packed to say the least! And it seems that 2024 is starting off with a bang here in Japan as well with another big earthquake. We’re so thankful for how God is SO faithful in giving us the grace we need for each day!

A Christmas Miracle

Fall seemed to have been non-stop. There have been a lot of moving parts in both the ministry and in our personal lives that have kept us on our toes over these past few months. Our church family has continued to work hard in sharing the story of Jesus to those around them. Most recently, our Christmas services had 35 visitors attend! And this is with literally half of our church being sick with the flu! One of our church family had the great idea of going to church while not feeling too well and ended up sharing the flu with everyone in attendance the Sunday before our big Christmas events. (Yes, I admit. It was me. I was that church member. Sigh.) Even with all of those who were sick, we somehow managed to make it work, and were encouraged to see all the visitors who had come to hear about the birth of Jesus.

Let me tell you about just one of the visitors. One of the ladies who is in our church now had gotten saved years ago at another church. After trusting Christ, she went through a few years of very difficult persecution from her family. Her children, who were young at the time, were shut out of her life because of her faith in Jesus. After many years, God began to bring her now grown children back into her life. This Christmas, for the first time, she was able to bring her daughter and grandson to our Christmas service! This was the first time they had ever gone to any kind of church service! It’s amazing to see how our Heavenly Father patiently works in even the most seemingly impossible situations to display his goodness and grace to those around us! Please remember to pray for our dear sister as she continues to share the Gospel with her family, and pray that her daughter and grandson will also trust in Jesus!

A Much-Needed Visit

One huge blessing for us personally as well as for our church family is that we were able to have my parents, missionaries Dave and Glenda Carter come to Japan to visit us for a few months. The main reason for their visit is to help us finish the paperwork for a long-awaited milestone for our church family. Nearly fifteen years ago, when dad was the pastor of our church, he helped us purchase a small house for our church to meet in. And now, through your faithful giving to our ministry, working together with the faithful giving of our church family, we have come to the point where we are ready to pay off the church mortgage, five years earlier than expected! Praise the Lord!

On a personal note, having mom and dad here with us has been a huge help to Bethany and me, especially in how they have helped to share the load of the ministry and daily life as Bethany recovers from her cancer treatments. After finishing chemotherapy in November, she went through a month of daily radiation treatments that lasted through mid-December (a week and a half before our Christmas events). Mom and dad were able to arrive the day after her treatments finished, and jumped in right away, helping in all kinds of ways as Bethany’s strength begins to gradually recover. This week and next, we will visit her doctors to learn more about how the treatments went, and what her long-term recovery plan will look like.

Please don’t stop praying for her! There is still a long way to go for her strength to return over the next (hopefully) few months. But that being said, THANK YOU for praying for our family through this journey! It’s not been easy, but God has clearly and consistently revealed to us His presence and grace in our time of need. We can’t begin to express our gratitude for so many of you who have taken time to go to our Father on our behalf!

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Carter Connection October 2023

The way God works is so captivating. Over and over He reveals to us that He is fully in control of all things, small and large. For you and me, it’s the most wonderful privilege to see Him lovingly, wisely, and powerfully guide each step in our journey of faith!

A God-Ordained Baptism Delay (Continued!)

In our last letter, I told you about how God used a timely case of covid to delay the baptism service for our church. To briefly recap, because of that delay, one of the ladies in our church had the time she needed to overcome certain obstacles that were holding her back from being baptized. It was just the time she needed to join the other three who were getting baptized. 

The long-awaited Baptism Sunday arrived on August 27. What an amazing day it was! That morning our church family gathered together at Akigawa River, the river our church (Akigawa Baptist Church) is named after. We spent the morning celebrating the baptism of these four ladies, hearing their testimonies of salvation, and remembering the purpose of baptism from God’s word. Unsaved friends and family of those being baptized joined us as well. Because this was the last summer weekend before school resumed, there were many people gathered at the river that day. Which was perfect. It was the best way for those being baptized to share the Gospel with others through their act of obedience! I have no doubt that for many of those at the river that day, it was the only baptism they had ever witnessed. And here’s where we see God’s amazing plan revealed yet again.

Not long after our baptism at the river, our church members, Waichiro and his wife Yoshie received an unexpected message from a Christian lady Waichiro had worked with nearly twenty years ago. She asked him, “Did you happen to be at a baptism at Akigawa River?” She and her family had gone to the river that day (of all days!) and had watched the baptism from a distance. She thought she recognized Waichiro but wasn’t sure since it had been such a long time since they last saw each other. Neither Waichiro nor the lady are originally from this area. She told them that she had moved to this area, hadn’t been to church in a long time, and was interested in coming to their church. Come to find out, she was within walking distance of our church! A few weeks later, for the first time in a long time, she came to our Sunday service joining Waichiro and Yoshie in worshipping our Heavenly Father, Who had by His grace, been preparing this meeting for a long time!

An Update on Bethany’s Health (Also Continued)

For all of you that have been keeping Bethany in your prayers, thank you so much! It’s been a very long six months, but we’re so thankful for how God has been caring for us and revealing his plan through this journey. She started her fourth round of chemotherapy last Monday, and it’s been the most difficult round so far. She is beginning to get her strength back this week, so we’re very thankful for that. The main goal of chemo was to get through at least four rounds, and she made it. Please continue to pray for her strength to return, and that the chemo removed any remaining cancer cells in her body. We will meet with the doctor in a couple of weeks to determine the risk / benefit of continuing the two extra rounds of chemo, so please pray for wisdom.

Thank you all so much for all the ways you care for us, by giving and praying. Each of you who give, and who pray are on this journey with us. You are an integral part of the journey! Thank you for walking each step of it with us!

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Carter Connection August 2023

Wow, these past few months have been some of the more difficult months our family has been through in a long while. But at the same time, they’ve also been a time of inexplicable and unfading joy in the midst of those difficulties. God is so very good!

An Update on Bethany’s Health

Hi, friends! It’s Bethany here! I just wanted to jump in and give you a quick health update. As a quick review, in October of last year, I went in with pain and had a mammogram, which to the best of our knowledge came back clear. However, the pain only grew worse, so I went in again in March of this year and ended up being diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, a less-common type of breast cancer that tends to be sneaky and not show up well on scans.

On June 6, I had surgery to remove the cancer, and praise the Lord, surgery went well, and I was able to go home a few days later. The treatment plan I was expecting from that point included radiation followed by hormone therapy. However, when we got the pathology report back about a month later, due to several important pieces of information in the report, my team determined that I should add chemotherapy to that plan. This was difficult and jarring news to receive, as we’d thought that I would not need chemo, but I’m very thankful to live in a time and place that I can receive it if needed.

So, my current plan is 3-4 months of chemotherapy, followed by 6 weeks of radiation, followed by 5-10 years of hormone treatments. I’m not going to lie, personally that feels daunting; like a long, unwanted climb up a mountain. I had my first chemotherapy treatment on July 31, and have my second scheduled in a few days on August 21. As anyone who has walked this path knows, this is not an easy thing for our family to walk through. But God has been so good and so real to us throughout this entire journey, and I can only praise Him! We can trace His fingerprints all throughout our story, and He has never one time left us or forsaken us! Even in the midst of this storm, His blessings abound! Not the least of which, I’m so happy to report, is that, by the grace of God, with this treatment plan, my prognosis is good, and treatment is considered curative! God has blessed us so far above anything we deserve! We’ve been blown away by the number of people around the world who have reached out to let us know they are praying for us! Thank you all so very much for your prayers, your love, and support for our family!! Our Father hears and answers those prayers, and on behalf of our entire family, thank you! We love and appreciate you more than we can say!

A God-Ordained Baptism Delay

It’s been amazing to see how God uses adversity and difficulties for His glory and for our good! Last month, on July 9, our church was scheduled to have a special baptism service at the river near our church to baptize three ladies who had recently trusted Christ, but God had other plans. I (Steve) got a bad case of covid two days earlier, and we had to postpone the baptism until August 27, but again, God was working through all of this.

A few weeks ago, the topic of the upcoming baptism came up in one of our Bible study groups. A lady named Ayumi, who had been coming to church since March of this year, was in the study group. She had been wanting to trust Jesus but was dealing with a few things holding her back from doing so. When the baptism was mentioned, she asked about whether or not she could be baptized too. I asked her about her faith in Jesus, and come to find out, all the issues that were earlier holding her back were gone! She had trusted Christ! So having confirmed her faith in Jesus, we now have another believer in Christ getting baptized along with the other three! Later that day, she said that when she heard the baptism was delayed because of my covid, she wondered if God did that just for her. I have a feeling she’s on to something there. God always works according to His glorious plan! Thanks for being a part of that plan as you pray for us and support us! We sure do appreciate you!!

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Carter Connection May 2023

Some letters are easy to write. Some, not so much. This one definitely falls into the category of not easy to write. But even as I write it, I am confident in God’s care for us in the path we are getting ready to take. That being said, having you go to our Father on our behalf and asking Him for His help for us means a lot!

The “C” Word

About a week or two after I wrote our last letter, Bethany was at our local doctor to see about some pain she was having. The doctor did some tests, and when the results came back, he said, “I think you have cancer, but we need to take more tests to be sure.” It was the last thing either of us were expecting to hear. The results of those tests would take two weeks. People say that the waiting can be one of the most difficult things to deal with. They weren’t kidding. Those seemed like the longest two weeks of our lives. When the results came back, the doctor confirmed his suspicions. Bethany does have breast cancer.  He recommended that we go to a bigger hospital to get treatment, so we began our search to find a doctor and hospital that would provide the care that Bethany needed. Our church family here has been absolutely amazing at helping us navigate the Japanese medical system which, honestly, even after living here for 20 years, can still be overwhelming at times.

The careful and precise guiding that God has already provided, His care for each step we’ve taken has been SO comforting and encouraging. Already the flood of messages from those who’ve heard and have reached out has been a great source of strength, for which we are deeply grateful. Thank you!

So here’s where we’re at currently. There are several key aspects of Bethany’s cancer that we don’t know yet, which we’re still waiting to learn. But through several incredible “perfect timing” moments, God has led us to an amazing doctor about an hour away from us who is just perfect for Bethany. The tests to find out those key aspects are scheduled, and the initial surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, which will be the evening of Monday, June 5 for those of you who are in the States. The extent of the surgery, and the following treatments will depend on the results of those tests. I don’t often ask for prayer for us personally, but this time I’m going to. First, please pray that God will clearly help the doctors to see where the cancer is, and that they will successfully be able to treat it. Pray that the cancer has been contained. Pray for God’s grace as we go through this crazy emotional roller-coaster. Pray for Bethany’s healing. Pray for strength and grace for me as I care for Bethany, and for the needs of our church family during this time. And lastly, pray for our kids. Two of them are on the other side of the planet wishing desperately to give their mom a hug. One is ten years old, trying to figure out what all this means and struggling with the potential possibilities of what may come.

That Being Said…

That being said, we are confident that God is fully in control of each step we take. We KNOW that not one moment of our suffering is wasted, and that He IS using this both for OUR good and HIS glory! Our church family has never been more unified and committed to loving others and loving Jesus. Over the past three or four months, we’ve seen several people find salvation in Jesus! Several that we have been praying for for over a year! We will be having a special baptism service at the river scheduled for July 9, which I’m SO EXCITED to tell you about! People are being added to the church family. The fellowship is so sweet, often lasting hours after the service. God’s visible working within our church family hasn’t stopped. It’s still ongoing. And we’re SO THANKFUL!! Thank you for praying. Thank you for giving. Thank you for being faithful.

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Carter Connection March 2023

This morning on my way to a meeting, I noticed the cherry blossoms were really starting to bloom all around our city. It was something that I have been looking forward to for a long time. In Japan, this is a big thing. There are even cherry blossom forecasts on the news that announce weeks ahead of time when they estimate the cherry blossoms will start blooming throughout the country. You could say it’s the national announcement of spring and warm weather, where new life begins to flourish all around us. And by God’s grace, it seems to be a season of potential new life flourishing in our church family too!

So Refreshing!

Our church family has been excited to see a surge of new people who have been coming with a deep desire to know more about Jesus. Let me tell you about a few of them. Noriko hasn’t been saved for very long, and she’s still eagerly learning about what it means to be a Christian. A few weeks ago, in our Thursday Bible study at church, she mentioned that she wasn’t a Christian yet. So the next Monday, when Bethany and a few ladies were gathering for their morning Bible study at a local coffee shop, Bethany wanted to see where she was in her faith. “Who do you think Jesus is, Noriko?” “Oh, he’s the Son of God.” “Why did He come to earth?” “Well, He came to earth to die on the cross for our sins and to give us eternal life!” “Do you believe that?” “Of course!” “What happened after Jesus died, Noriko?” “He rose from the dead!” “Do you believe that too?” “Definitely!” “Has Jesus forgiven your sins?” “Oh yes!” All the ladies responded, “That’s what a Christian is, Noriko!” “So why did you think that you weren’t a Christian yet?” “I just don’t know enough yet, and I haven’t read the Bible enough yet.”

Here’s the thing about Noriko. Even though she’s figuring out what it means to be a Christian, she’s sharing her faith. Two months ago, Noriko brought her friends to church to share Jesus with them. Kenji and Yukari haven’t missed a Sunday since. One week, Yukari told us that she was going to have surgery on Wednesday, but she was still pretty sure she could make it on Sunday. Sure enough, they were both there, soaking in the Scripture, asking questions, and learning more about Jesus. Noriko, Bethany, and other believers often sit with them after church to help them know more and more about Jesus.

Sitting in another part of our small auditorium is Youko. She called me three weeks ago out of the blue on a Thursday. “Hi, is it ok if I come to your church tonight?” “Sure! Come on over!” That night, she told us she had never been inside a church in her life. But earlier that morning, she just had a strong feeling of wanting to go to a Christian church. This coming April will be our 20th year of ministry here in Japan. I can count on one hand (with probably a few fingers left over) of someone who just came to church out of the blue like that without knowing anyone.) As we gathered around the table, our brothers and sisters shared what they had learned from the Gospel of Luke, our passage for the day. And through their testimonies, Youko was introduced to Jesus for the first time. At the end of the study, she exclaimed, “So I just realized for the first time that I’m not alone. Jesus is here!” That’s not a bad response for your first encounter with Jesus! She hasn’t missed a Sunday OR a midweek service since, always asking questions.

Over the past month or two, if you look at our Sunday gatherings after the service, you will find small groups of people scattered around our auditorium. Christians happily sharing Jesus with those who want to know more, and brothers and sisters encouraging one another in their faith. Last week they didn’t go home for almost two hours. It’s fun to see. It’s not always like this. But right now, it’s SO refreshing. God is helping our church to grow, to mature.

A few things that we would love for you to pray for. Our Easter outreach is coming up in a few weeks, on… you guessed it: Easter Sunday. Because of Covid, this will be our first one in four years. We’re really excited about it! Pray for us to be able to share Jesus with more people in our city! Pray for lots of families to come to hear about the resurrection of Jesus!

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Carter Connection January 2023

Dear Praying Friends,

Over the last several months, our families (the Carter family, as well as our church family here in Japan), have experienced several significant “new starts”. As we thank God for His grace to give us these new beginnings, we also continue to trust Him to help us and guide us in them, so that His goodness and faithfulness is on full display as He walks with us!

A (re)start of community outreaches

Since Covid started, our church family has had to focus our outreaches primarily on personal interactions with family and friends while we waited for the social fear of Covid to gradually subside. Throughout this time, God has continued to help us make new connections; to share with new people the good news of the Gospel. And while that continues, we’ve also been excited to begin to expand once again into reaching more of our community through different events to reach out to even more people.

This Christmas, we had two major Christmas events, one specifically for children, and one geared toward families. In each event, we were so thankful to see many first-time guests, as well as those who had come to previous events before Covid. Over the two Christmas events, we saw over 40 visitors attend (not including our church family) and hear the story of the Gospel through the birth of Jesus. We have several more events scheduled over the next few months as we get back into the full swing of this vital aspect of our outreach here in Tokyo. We’re really praying that the Holy Spirit will use this to continue to draw them to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Will you pray with us to that end? That God will, even now, open the eyes of their understanding so that they, too, can see the hope that comes from faith in Jesus?

A new start for one in our family

On a personal note, we had the special joy of seeing our son Tyler married to his new bride, Morgan. The wedding took place at our home church in Louisville, and we were so thankful that God worked it out for us to be with them on this special day. For missionaries, it is deeply encouraging to have a church family who loves and cares for your children as they return to the States to begin their lives away from us. Their desire to walk alongside our kids, to speak into their lives, and to invest in their spiritual growth gives us the assurance to confidently focus on our ministry here in Japan knowing that they have the care they need. For those of you who do take the time to invest in the children of your missionaries, THANK YOU!! Your investment is vital and deeply appreciated!

A potential new start for a much-needed ministry

Currently the average age of pastors in Japan is 65 years old. We need pastors! One of our dreams in ministering in Japan is, while we care for the church family God has entrusted us with, and as we reach those in our area here in Tokyo, that God would also use us to minister specifically to pastors and churches throughout Japan. It seems that God is beginning to open doors and bring people into our ministry in a very real way to enable us to effectively do just that. We are in the VERY early stages of potentially beginning a ministry to train and equip young pastors, not only in Japan, but also in East Asia as they begin the task of shepherding the churches God has called them to. This is a monumental task and it will require much discernment, planning, and prayer. So over these next several months, would you pray with us, specifically for wisdom and discernment that, if this is what God wants us to do, He would give us the wisdom we need to add this new ministry while caring for those He called us to? We sure do appreciate you. We’re so thankful for how you take time to pray for us, for sacrificing to financially care for us as we serve God here. Your part of this ministry is crucial. And by God’s grace, the fruit of your part of this ministry will continue to abound!

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Carter Connection September 2022

This summer, Japan had its biggest wave of new infections since the beginning of COVID. New infections hovered around 200,000 a day during the entire month of August. Now, as we head into September, we’re thankful that the infections are starting to die down. Though the surge of new infections has slowed down the easing of restrictions, we’re thankful that it hasn’t hindered the gathering of our church family. God has been very faithful to us! We’ve had a few infections here and there, but nothing serious, and our church family has continued to faithfully gather together throughout the summer.

Summer Family Camp

For many years our church has been part of a summer camp where Baptist churches in Tokyo and the surrounding prefectures (states) gather together for a few days of preaching and fellowship. Due to Covid, this was the first time in three years that we were able to have this camp together again, even in the middle of the wave of infections. God protected everyone who attended, and we were all thrilled to see brothers and sisters whom we haven’t seen for a while. God used a Japanese missionary serving in the underground churches of a nearby country to challenge us throughout the three days.

On a side note, the campground we meet at is operated by a family friend: a man named Tom Tierney and his wife Kazuko. Tom was a NASA Space Shuttle engineer who moved to Japan in the 80’s to help Japan with their rocket development program. He gave up his lucrative career so that they could serve Japanese Christians by having a place where they could gather for camp. Bro. Tom and Mrs. Kazuko have been serving quietly, faithfully, out of the spotlight for many years. Now, as they are getting up in age, it’s getting harder to have the physical stamina needed to operate the camp. Please pray for the Tierneys, that God would provide help, and maybe someone to come in under them to take the reins of this important ministry.

Baptisms at Akigawa River

Our church, Akigawa Baptist Church, is named after the Akigawa River, which I personally think is one of the most beautiful rivers in Tokyo. (No bias here.) Last week we were so excited to celebrate the baptism of two young men in our church, Custo and Keito. Their mom, Mariko, has been faithfully raising them to follow Jesus, and it’s been exciting to see them mature as His followers.

Pray for them, as they enter junior high and high school. For Japanese, this one of the most difficult seasons of life to stay faithful in following Jesus. The intense pressure to be involved in school activities and entrance exam preparations literally take up all of their time during this season. In the last 19 years of serving in Japan, we’ve probably lost 80% of our young Japanese teens solely because of this reason. And this seems to be consistent with other pastors and missionaries that I meet. The teens that do stay faithful usually grow to become solid, mature Christians. But it’s not easy for them. Pray for Custo, Keito, and their two younger brothers. Pray for Mariko, their mom, as she guides them in following Jesus. Pray for Hiroki, their dad. Hiroki is an awesome dad that loves his kids, and often comes to church. Pray that one day he, too, will trust Jesus.  

Faithfulness is one of the great attributes God produces in us as we follow Him: in the life of a Japanese mom raising her four sons, in the life of a rocket engineer serving his brothers and sisters, in the life of a missionary serving in a foreign country, and in YOUR life as you faithfully pray for, and care for them. Thank you for your faithfulness! It means the world to us!

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Carter Connection June 2022

Lack of parking spaces. I hadn’t realized how much I’ve missed this problem. How thankful I am to have it once again! As the COVID restrictions have been gradually easing here in Japan, Sunday services have also been gradually getting fuller and fuller. New families, new believers, and those who haven’t been able to come in a long time are once again filling the seats, connecting with one another, building relationships, and working to reach those around them. God is good!

Did You Hear!?

In our last prayer letter, I got to share with you about one of the ladies who trusted Christ named “Yoko.” She was one who was saved recently through the Bible study of another missionary lady in a nearby city. The other day, Bethany was at a park with Asher, and Yoko happened to see them off in the distance. She excitedly came up to Bethany and said, “Did you hear!? Did you hear!? I trusted Jesus!” The joy in her heart was clear to see! God had graciously called us to be faithful in planting the Gospel and another to water that seed, as God produced the bountiful work of salvation in her soul. And in holding us up in caring for our needs and praying for us, I thank God that you too get to share in the joy of her salvation!

Helping Hands

Waichiro and Yoshie were saved in their 20’s, raised their three children in a Christian home, and have been faithfully following Jesus for many years. (The story of their salvation is incredible. Both of them were saved out of a strict cult. Yoshie’s story includes a Buddhist priest who, in order to rescue her out of that cult, actually drove her to a nearby church, where she met Waichiro (who a few years earlier had left that cult and gotten saved), and more importantly, where she met Jesus!)

About a year ago, Waichiro and Yoshie moved to a neighborhood near our church to care for some health issues. Not long after, due to an increase in covid, their previous church, along with many other churches in Tokyo (including ours), had to transition to online streaming rather than in-person services. One day, as they were walking around their neighborhood, they discovered our church, and started watching our services online as well. After the covid restrictions eased, they came to visit our services, and felt God leading them to become part of our church family. After receiving the blessings of their former pastor, they moved their membership to Akigawa Baptist Church, and have jumped in with both feet, giving a helping hand wherever needed. It’s been so encouraging to see them welcome and care for new visitors, to see them invest in the lives of their brothers and sisters, and to see them grow in their own walk with Jesus.

This Father’s Day, Waichiro will be preaching and sharing his testimony during the Sunday service. We praise God for the way He cares for our church family by bringing in just the right people at just the right time! Please pray that God will use his testimony to encourage our church family and to reach others for Christ.

Thanks so much for your faithfulness in praying for us, and for praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Japan. We so appreciate you all! Also, please pray for more parking spaces. And for even more people who need them.

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