Blog Archives

Here are several highlights of our ministry here in Japan

Sharing Bread

Sharing is a deeply embedded aspect of Japanese culture. We’ll often have someone stop by the house to share some fruit or vegetables that they grew in their garden, or a small snack that they picked up on a trip. We do the same as well as we build relationships with those around us. Over 13 years ago, God gave us a surprising resource that has enabled not only us to share, but to provide a resource for many churches throughout Japan to share as well in their Gospel outreach ministries.

Japan’s Population vs. the U.S.

Here’s a little graphic I made to illustrate the difference in the population density between Japan and the U.S. The images are as close to scale as I could get which could be off by a percent or two… or more…

Hopefully this helps with getting a better idea of how crowded it can be in Japan.
In the future, I’m also planning on designing a graphic to show how most of Japan live in just 1/4 of the country because of the mountainous region that covers a vast majority of Japan.

Japan U.S. Population Comparison

Family Picture Updated

We updated our family picture, so if you are in need of one, you can click here to download it.

Or, if you are ever in need of one in the future, you can click the photo in the sidebar of the “Who We Are” section of this site.