Carter Connection- September 2015

God has blessed us with a wonderful summer. It was a special summer for me personally, as I turned 40 this August. Yes. It’s official. I’m no longer young. Please pray for funds for my Corvette. J In all seriousness, I am so thankful for the life God has given me. I cannot imagine being anywhere else, doing anything else, with anyone else that could bring me more joy. God is truly gracious to me.

Summer Family Camp

This summer, we held our annual family camp with six other Baptist churches in our area. We had 60 people attend, including 11 from our church. One of the families who attended from another church was a family of 4 generations, all of whom were saved except the youngest child. This is very rare to see in Japan. It was a great encouragement to our people to see faithfulness continuing down through each generation. Thank you for praying. Camp greatly encouraged our church folks.

Start of New School

Our Christian school started on August 24, and although it has had the normal obstacles that any new work encompasses, God has graciously helped us through them. Our school has 15 students; some missionary children, and some Japanese children who are fluent in English. Please pray for the spiritual growth of the children, as well as strength, grace, and wisdom for my family and the Smith family (the other missionary family) as our workload has significantly increased.


Mieko Kobayashi Baptism

A special blessing for our church happened this last Sunday as two of our Christian ladies were baptized. Mieko Kobayashi, our neighbor, and Kozue Harashima, whom we’ve been working with since nearly the beginning of our arrival in Japan, were both baptized in the Akigawa River, which our church is named after. It was the first river baptism that our church has done and it was a glorious event! Although rain was forecast for the whole week (typhoon season), God held back the rain enough to allow us to prepare the site and hold the baptism. As we were walking away from the river, the rain started falling. There were several unsaved who gathered to watch and it was evident that they were touched by the testimony of these two ladies and the glory of God. He is awesome! Pray for the spiritual growth of these ladies and for the salvation of their husbands.


Our son Tyler will be going to college next fall and we’ll be taking a furlough in order to help him get settled in as well as to raise some much-needed support that was lost from the financial crisis a few years ago. While our main focus needs to be in restoring our support, we would love to see as many of our faithful supporters as we can. If you would like for us to come and share what God has done here, please let us know by emailing us at I am so grateful to each of you who take time out of your day to pray for us. THANK YOU!

Serving Him,
The Carters to Japan

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